VIU Campus

Access Survey Results

There are two ways to view the results of a Survey in VIULearn: 

Survey Statistics will display all responses to the survey. If the survey is anonymous you will see only a summary report. If the survey is not anonymous you can view responses by user, by attempt, or as a summary of all users' attempts. 

Survey Reports can be set up to generate either a summary report or a breakdown of individual attempts. When setting up a report, you can choose whether or not to include user data, aggregated results, and written responses to written questions. Reports must be configured in the survey settings before you can generate them for your survey.

Both Statistics and Reports can be filtered by date and time so that your results show only users who submitted their response in that window. You can also export an Excel or CSV file containing your results for offline use. 

  1. On the Manage Surveys page, click the downward arrow next to your Survey and select Statistics from the context menu.

  2. If your survey is not anonymous, you can search for users and their listed attempt types in the Users tab. You can restrict your search of survey results by attempt in the Attempts tab.

  3. If your survey is not anonymous, click on an individual attempt to view a specific user's results, or click View Overall Results at the bottom of the page to view the number of attempts per question within a survey.

Based on how you have set up the survey properties, you might see a list of all users or just the overall survey results with anonymous responses.

  1. From the Manage Surveys page, click on the name of your survey.

  2. Go to the Reports Setup tab.

  3. Click Add Report.

  4. Give your report a name.

  5. Select the type of report you want to generate.

    • Summary Report: Includes all of the questions and answers provided for each survey attempt, how many users chose each possible answer, feedback messages, total number of attempts, and details of responses.

    • Individual Attempts: Includes detailed information about each question, and the number of attempts including how long each attempt took. The student number (Org Defined ID), username, and first and last name of each user can be hidden or displayed.

  6. Set a release date for your report if you want to limit when a report can be generated.

  7. Select what roles in VIULearn can view the report. We strongly recommend not making reports visible to students as this may expose private information to students who should not have access. You will need to include Instructor in order to view your report.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click Save and Close.

  1. On the Manage Surveys page, click the downward arrow next to your Survey and select Reports from the context menu.

  2. Click on the name of the report you want to generate.

  3. If you want to restrict your report within a specific time frame, select the From and To check boxes and enter the date restrictions.

  4. Click Generate HTML Report to view the report in your browser, or click the Generate CSV or Generate Excel buttons to save the report as either a CSV or Excel file on your computer.