VIU Campus

Create Groups

Groups can be used throughout VIULearn to create restricted access to activities and content. You can use groups to create Group Assignments, Group Discussions, and to attach group-enrolment Release Conditions to release any course material only to members of a specific group. 

Create a Group in VIULearn

  1. Click Communication > Groups from the course navigation bar. 

  2. Click the blue New Category button. 

  3. Give your category a name and if you wish to, a description. These will be visible to learners from the Groups tool. 

  4. Choose your Enrolment Type. 

  5. Edit any additional settings for the Enrolment Type you chose. 
    • Depending on the Enrolment Type, you may be asked to specify the maximum number of users for each group, the number of groups you want to create, or to set a date and time after which users can no longer self-enrol into groups. 

  6. You can also add a group prefix which will be added to the name of any Discussion Topics or Assignment Submission Folders which you create for the group.

  7. Once you are ready, click the blue Save button.

Understanding Enrolment Types

There are seven different enrolment types available in the Groups tool:

  1. # of Groups No Auto Enrolments: Specify a number of groups and manually enroll any number of learners into these groups. 

  2. Groups of #: Each group is filled with the specified number of learners. When one group is full, the system automatically creates another group. Depending on class enrolment and group size, this can result in one group with significantly fewer users than other groups. 

  3. # of Groups: Learners are automatically enrolled as evenly as possible across a specified number of groups. 

  4. Groups of # - Self Enrolment: Learners manually enroll themselves into a group. Group membership is capped at a number set by the instructor. A new group is not created until the current groups are full. 

  5. # of Groups - Self Enrolment: Learners manually enroll themselves in one of a specified number of groups. 

  6. # of Groups, Capacity of # - Self Enrolment: Learners manually enroll themselves in one of a specified number of groups. Each group has a maximum number of users. Once a group has reached its enrolment maximum, no more students can choose that group. 

  7. Single user, member-specific groups: This will create one group for each learner in your course and automatically name the group with the first and last name of the learner.