VIU Campus

Content Tool Overview

The Content tool in VIULearn is where the majority of your course content will be shared with learners. You can use Modules and Sub-Modules to organize your content and even link Quizzes, Assignments, Discussions, and other activities into Content so that your learners can access all of their important course components all in one place.

Any content uploaded, embedded, or linked to on VIULearn is subject to Canadian copyright law. Please ensure that your content is either appropriately licensed, falls under Fair Dealing, or is your own. Please make sure to advise your students of appropriate use and sharing of copyright protected content.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Copyright Office at and review the copyright Instructors Guide.

Click on the info spots on the image below to learn more about the various elements of the Content tool.

Navigating Content Topics

Once you open a content topic, there are several ways to move through content in addition to the table of contents.

Navigation Arrows

On all content topic pages, there are navigational arrows on the top and bottom of the page. You can use these arrows to move from one topic to another. When you reach the end of a module or sub-module, these arrows will return you to the Table of Contents view and to the next module.


When viewing a content topic, there are breadcrumb links at the top of the page which can be used to navigate to the Table of Contents view for the module or sub module the topic is contained in. 

Side Menu

Users can select the arrow on the left of any topic page to pull out the side menu. This menu functions like the table of contents and allows users to move quickly to a different section of the course.

Keeping Track of Content Viewed

With many ways to move within course Content, it is important for learners to be able to track which topics they have and have not viewed. The content tracking feature in VIULearn shows learners a number for each module representing the number of published content items in that module which have not yet been viewed and activities that have not been completed. Instructors can choose to edit the way that content tracking occurs or remove it completely for specific topics or all topics.

The options available for content tracking are listed below. In addition to content tracking, users can add bookmarks to important pages to help them navigate back in the future.


A content topic is marked as viewed when a learner navigates to the page. This is the default content tracking setting for VIULearn.


Learners must manually set the content to viewed


No tracking is done of whether or not the learner has accessed the content.