VIU Campus

Link and Embed Media

Videos hosted on VIUTube can be shared with others by adding the video to a website, VIULearn course, or even sending a link by email. Please note that if you embed or link a VIUTube video into a public website, anyone that finds and has access to that website will be able to view your media unless you set additional security restrictions on the media. You can learn more about the security settings for VIUTube videos here.

Any content uploaded, embedded, or linked to on VIUTube is subject to Canadian copyright law. Please ensure that your content is either appropriately licensed, falls under Fair Dealing, or is your own. Please make sure to advise your students of appropriate use and sharing of copyright protected content.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Copyright Office at and review the copyright Instructors Guide.

  1. Navigate to VIUTube and click the Manage Media button. 

  2. Find and hover your mouse over the media you wish to share and select More...

  3. Click the Links tab. 

  4. Copy the Direct Link text by clicking the Copy Direct Link button. 
  1. Navigate to VIUTube and click the Manage Media button.

  2. Hover over the media you wish to share and select More...

  3. Click the Links tab. 

  4. Copy the embed code by clicking the Copy Embed Code button. 

To embed a VIUTube video in your VIUBlogs site, you will actually use the Direct Link instead of the Embed code. You can find the Direct Link on the same tab as the embed code.  

  1. From your VIUBlog site Dashboard, click either Posts or Pages from the navigation sidebar (depending on where you would like to add the VIUTube media to).

  2. Click on the Post or Page you wish to edit. Or click the Add New button to create a new Post or Page. 

  3. Click the Add Block icon (+ icon)

  4. Search and select the Embed block

  5. Paste your Direct Link into the block. Then select Embed.