VIU Campus


In addition to allowing you to organize your Media Library, you can use folders to share a series of related videos together. You can do so by creating a folder in VIUTube and then pasting the embed code for that folder into your website or VIULearn course. You can add VIUTube video or audio files, or imported YouTube media into a folder. You can add videos that contain quizzes into a folder, however it is worth noting that the quiz version of the video will not be included if you embed the entire folder itself into a website or VIULearn course. 

Create and Add Videos to a Folder

  1. Navigate to VIUTube and click the Manage Media button. 

  2. Select New Folder, enter a name for the folder, and click Save. 

  3. Drag and drop the desired videos into the new folder. If you wish to add more videos to your folder, you can do so at anytime by dragging and dropping more videos into the folder. You can also upload new VIUTube videos directly into the folder by navigating into the folder and then using the upload interface.

Editing Folders

If you have already created a folder, you can remove and re-order the items in your existing folder.

  1. Navigate to Manage Media from the top of the screen. 

  2. Click on the name of your folder. 

  3. Click the Sort option in the upper right hand corner and select Custom from the dropdown menu.

  4. To re-order the media in your folder, click, drag, and drop the video into it's new desired location. You will see a pink box surrounding your video, which will indicate where your video will currently be placed if you let go of the mouse button.

  5. To remove media from a playlist, drag and drop the video into the My Media area or into another folder located in the navigation menu on the left hand side of the screen. You will see a dotted line surrounding the My Media or folder heading, which will indicate that your video will be successfully sent to that location if you let go of the mouse button. 

  6. If you have already shared the folder via a direct link or embed code, you will need to re-copy that link/embed code and then update the link/embed code with the new version of that link/embed code. Doing so will help ensure that the new edits you have made in that folder will be visible to your viewers.

Share a VIUTube Folder

Once you have created a VIUTube folder, you can share the contents of the folder with others by providing them with a direct link to the folder on VIUTube. Alternatively, you may wish to embed the folder directly into a website or VIULearn course:

  1. In your Manage Media area, hover over the folder you wish to share and click on the Settings wheel in the upper right corner.

  2. Select More… from the dropdown menu. 

  3. Choose Links from the Media Details page that appears.

  4. Copy and paste the link or embed code. Link or embed the playlist into the desired website or location using the standard procedure.