VIU Campus

Combine Course Sections

Every course section scheduled at VIU is set up as a unique course in VIULearn. If you are teaching multiple sections as a single cohort or are team teaching with the instructor of another section, you may want to combine your sections in VIULearn so that you only have to add and update course materials in one place. Courses in VIULearn can be combined through a process called Section Association (previously called Course Mapping). 

You can request a Section Association by emailing Our Learning Technology Support Specialists will combine your sections together so you will only have to update one course shell. During this process, all the sections in question will be associated with one of the existing course shells. CIEL staff will then remove you from the empty shells and rename the remaining shell to showcase that multiple sections have been associated with it. The process of associating a course maintains the connection between your VIULearn course and official VIU scheduling and registration systems, so the classlist will continue to update automatically with enrolment changes.

While you are waiting for your courses to be associated together, you can begin building the course materials in one of the existing course shells. If you intend to begin building your course prior to the Section Association, please indicate in your request which section you will use to build your content so CIEL staff know which course shell to association the sections to. 

Courses are best associated before students have begun accessing the course materials. If you need to request a Section Association after students have already begun accessing and completing course materials and activities, CIEL with work with you to determine how best to do this without negatively impacting student learning. 

The Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning requires the written permission of all individuals listed as instructors in the VIULearn classlist before an association request will be processed. The process of associating courses grants all instructors and students enrolled in the other sections access to a single course shell and all content within it. Please note it is possible to restrict students’ access to some resources, but it is not possible to restrict instructors’ access.

Request Section Association

  1. Submit a support request to and include:
    • The course name as it appears in VIULearn
    • The section names as they appear in VIULearn
    • The semester the course sections are in
  2. If you are not the only instructor listed in the VIULearn courses being combined, CIEL will gather all necessary permissions. If your department has not signed a blanket permission form for Course Mapping (now called Section Association), you can speed up this process by asking your co-instructors to email with their permission.

  3. If you are the only instructor, your request will be processed without needing to wait for any additional permissions.